Tips For Window Washing

Window washing is a process of cleaning the glass in a building or other structure. It can be done manually or with the use of technology. In recent years, automated window washing has been popular. It is a very effective way to clean windows and save energy. In this article, we’ll talk about the different tools to use when cleaning windows.


When using a squeegee for window washing, it is important to follow a few important tips. Firstly, you need to hold the handle of the squeegee in your right hand, with your thumb about halfway up the handle. Next, place the squeegee at an appropriate angle. The handle should be at zero degrees when it touches the glass, and 90 degrees when it is lifted from the glass.

Secondly, you should invest in a good squeegee. You can choose from plastic or brass squeegees, but you should make sure that the one you choose is made from sturdy materials. A brass squeegee is an excellent choice, as it is resistant to rust and wear.

Third, use cool water while window washing. This will extend the time of the cleaning process. Additionally, you can use a microfiber cloth to clean the glass. Lastly, you should fan the glass with the squeegee by using different directions. This technique will prevent the cleaning solution from getting under the blade, which may cause streaks.

Suspended platform

The design of a suspended platform for window washing should comply with certain standards and regulations. These standards apply to all parts of the scaffold, including the scaffold platform, the means of suspension, and the attachment of the suspended platform to a building or structure. In addition to the basic design, the suspended platform should have all the components necessary for safe window washing operations, including rope and safety guard railings.

A suspended scaffold must be approved by the ESU, and the scaffold should display a label that shows its approval status. The ESU will review the scaffold in its entirety. This means that it must comply with the requirements of section 101-2.2 of the CSA Standard. In addition, the scaffold must be labeled with the name of the component used and a BSA Approval or Resolution of Special Approval Number.

A suspended platform must be installed in a building that is at least three stories high. If the building is no higher than three stories, a ground-based lift or telescoping window washing poles will be adequate. But if the building is more than three stories high, a roof-based suspension system is required. This system lowers the window-washing crew from the roof to the window. Basic suspension support systems are described in this article, but there are more complicated systems available for buildings with sloped roofs.

Cleaning solution

A window washing cleaning solution can be used for glass windows and other types of glass surfaces. It is important to use the right type of cleaning solution for your windows and any other window surfaces. The correct cleaning solution must be able to remove the dirt from window surfaces and be safe for the environment. A good solution for cleaning glass surfaces should be non-abrasive and free of ammonia.

A diluted vinegar-water solution is another option. Just be sure to shake the solution before using it. Then, you’ll need a squeegee fitted with a sharp rubber blade. Make sure to have several spare rubber blades to switch out when necessary. If the squeegee blades get dull quickly, it’s best to purchase a new one.

A simple window washing solution can be made at home. One of the most popular is made of water and vinegar. Vinegar is an acidic substance and can cut through grease and other grime on glass. It also kills some germs. You can also make this cleaning solution in advance and use it on the windows as needed.


Safety equipment is essential when cleaning windows in buildings. Often, window washers work at heights of over three meters and must have fall arrest systems and safety training. A fall arrest safety course teaches employees how to use the equipment and identify the risks that can arise. Aerial lifts may be used in some cases, but must be properly operated and maintained. Using them incorrectly can be dangerous for both the operator and their co-workers.

Always use protective gear, including a safety harness and eye protection. While cleaning windows, it is also wise to have a cell phone handy and a fall protection plan. Always remember to work with a partner, if possible. If the window wash is dangerous, you should not attempt to perform the task alone.

Working at high heights is a hazardous job. The risk of falling is great – even a fall of fifty feet or more is fatal. Even if a scaffold breaks, the worker could be swept off the building by the strong wind. This is why window washers should always wear safety equipment, especially when working on tall buildings.

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