Top 5 Blog Organizer Apps

Trello is a very useful and user-friendly phone app that makes organizing, tracking and collaborating on tasks a breeze. It supports drag-and-drop functionality, easy management of cards, and notifications that keep team members up-to-date. Its ease of use makes it a great fit for managing a blog.


If you are looking for a simple yet effective solution to organize your work, Asana may be the app for you. The application allows you and your team to collaborate from anywhere, prioritize tasks, and see the progress of each task over time. Its features also make it a valuable tool for team projects, and the platform is free to use. However, you can also purchase a premium version if you want additional features and more flexibility.

Asana also has a mobile app that allows you to manage your tasks even when you are not in the office. The app is also free, which makes it convenient for you to use it wherever you are. Aside from that, you can also use it to keep track of your business calendar.


One of the benefits of using the Grammarly blog organizer app is its powerful editing tools. In addition to its built-in spellchecker, it also has an extensive set of grammar-check tools. The home screen of the application is reminiscent of a Microsoft Word document, with a left column for navigation and the bulk of the screen dedicated to content. Users can write directly in the application or import their content from other sources.

Grammarly is a great app for anyone wanting to write better and more clearly. The tool checks your articles for errors in style, content, and syntax, and highlights critical errors in red. It also has more advanced features, which you can access as a premium user. Hovering over the highlighted words displays a list of options for fixing the errors and a detailed explanation.

Notion for Blogging

If you’re using a blogging platform, Notion for Blogging may be the tool for you. This program helps you create and publish blog posts, add relevant properties, and set reminders. It also allows you to take notes on pages. This app is very useful for marketers and content creators alike.

Outlining is a critical part of writing, and while professional writers plan their stories down to the last word, an amateur may struggle to follow a structured outline. Understanding structure helps writers realize that the order of ideas is as important as the content. Notion is a great tool for this because it allows you to jump from idea generation to drafting.


If you’re a blogger who uses several different apps to organize their content, you may want to consider the CoSchedule blog organizer app. The app allows you to set up different projects and manage them through one app. You can color-code your tasks and categorize them accordingly. With CoSchedule, you can even “set and forget” social media messages so you can concentrate on creating new content and re-promote old posts.

Another great feature of the CoSchedule blog organizer app is that you can share content from other websites. Once you’ve created a blog post, you can share it via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIN. You can then choose the best time to post it.

Asana task manager

Asana is a great tool to keep track of tasks and projects. Its task list shows all your tasks, their due dates, and their status. Tasks that are past their due dates are highlighted in red. That’s a warning sign that you’re falling behind. You can choose to see all your tasks, or only view your completed or incomplete tasks.

The Asana app also allows you to create recurring tasks that repeat at regular intervals. These can be daily, weekly, or monthly tasks. You can also create dependencies between subtasks.


Evernote is an app designed to make everything you need to remember quick and easy. While it’s most commonly used for simple tasks like taking notes, it’s also an excellent tool for blogging. You can create notes, save them for future use, and even import templates created by others. This can help you write and publish blog posts quickly.

In addition to blogging, Evernote is also an ideal app for managing household projects, keeping to-do lists, creating a paperless digital archive, and organizing your home office. It works on all your devices and lets you collaborate with anyone.

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